Based on our biggest location, 3500 kwH (green energy) each month times 12 = 42.000 kwH consumption yearly.
That equals to +- 18 tonnes of CO2 yearly. 1 tonne of CO2 to be offsetted is about 31 till 46 trees
Positively calculating networking and firewallling equipment:
We estimate that, on average, each virtual server uses 42.000 / 80 servers = 525 kwH yearly ( 0.2 tonne of CO2 ). 0.2 CO2 times 31-46 trees per tonne = 6.2-9.2 trees needed.
For each virtual server we buy way more than just 6 till 9 trees. We buy 5 bunds from justdiggit. Justdiggit creates the bunds in Africa. Each set of 5 bunds bund regreens 620 square meters of land and retains 10500 liters of water per virtual server. The whole bund area is green, so more than just trees.
How about our laptops?
Our laptop chargers have a max rating of 65 watts. Even if we need that full 65 watts for 24 hours (which we don’t) and calculate a 40 workweek (which we don’t), that equals to 52 weeks times 40 hours times 65 watts = 135200 watthours = 135.2 kwH ( this is therefore more than actually used, again positively calculation for offsetting ).
That comes down to 0.056 tonne of CO2. 0.056 CO2 times 31-46 trees per tonne = 1.7-2.6 trees needed per laptop. Therefore we buy 1 bund per laptop.